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Federal, provincial and municipal authorities are rolling out more green building initiatives each year. Browse by province to see if you are eligible for grants, loans or rebates from your region.


Canada Greener Homes Grant
The Canada Greener Homes Grant assists homeowners with making homes more energy-efficient and fight climate change. Participants are eligible for up to $5,600 total under the initiative (up to $5,000 for qualifying energy efficient retrofits to their ...

Canada Greener Homes Loan
The Canada Greener Homes Loan helps Canadians make their homes more energy-efficient and comfortable. It offers interest-free financing in addition to the Canada Greener Homes Grant to help you complete some of the more major retrofits.

Oil to Heat Pump Affordability Program
The Oil to Heat Pump Affordability Program helps Canadian homeowners who are currently heating their homes with oil to transition to electric cold climate air source heat pumps. Making the switch can help you save thousands of dollars on your heating b…

Indigenous Clean Energy Social Enterprise

The Project Accelerator
Designed to support the start-up and development of Indigenous energy efficiency housing projects. The program is open to all First Nation, Inuit, and Métis communities and housing o...



Alberta Municipalities

Clean Energy Improvement Program
Receive support to develop clean energy financing for residential and commercial properties.


Home Energy Accelerator Program
The Program helps you assess the energy efficiency of your home and offers rebates for upgrading insulation, windows, water and space heating equipment. Additional rebates may be available for larger projects. 

Solar Rebate Program
Edmonton homeowners could be eligible for $0.40/watt towards the cost of a solar power system, which could cover up to 15% of the costs of going solar! Newly constructed homes and residential buildings are also eligible.


SunRidge BuiltGreen Homeowner Rebate
offering home buyers in the SunRidge development financial incentives to maximise energy efficiency in their homes ($2,500 for Silver; $3,500 for Gold).

Medicine Hat

EnerGuide Home Evaluation Incentive Program
Rebates available to encourage homeowners to evaluate energy use and improvements can be made to increase energy efficiency.

Existing Homes Incentive Program
Offers assistance to property owners for the cost of energy-saving retrofits. Requires an initial EnerGuide Home Evaluation (pre-evaluation) .

Municipal Climate Change Action Centre

Recreation Energy Conservation Program
Offers up to $750,000 in funding for municipally-owned recreation facilities to reduce energy use and GHG emissions.

Solar for Schools Program
Up to $3 million to Alberta School Authorities who install solar photovoltaic (PV) systems on existing school facilities or land in their jurisdiction and complete a student education initiative.



Solar PV Rebate Program
Provides a rebate of $750/kilowatt (kW) of solar capacity installed, to a maximum of 20 kW based on the size of solar system installed. Available for residential and commercial structures. Post-installation.

Town of Banff Commercial Environmental Rebates Program
Incentives for dual flush and low flow toilets, Energy Star dishwashers, Energy Star refrigerators, Energy Star doors, Energy Star windows, and energy audits or greenhouse gas audits.

Town of Banff Residential Environmental Rebates Program
Rebates and incentives when adding green and energy-efficient features to their homes. 


British Columbia

Energy Conservation Assistance Program
An income qualified program for residential account holders offered in partnership with FortisBC and Pacific Northern Gas.

Energy Efficient Products Program
This Program provides information on various energy efficiency products, including rebates on some of these products.

Energy Savings Kit Program
An income qualified program for residential account holders offered in partnership with FortisBC and Pacific Northern Gas. The kit contains energy saving products that can be easily installed. 

Home Renovation Rebate
In partnership by BC Hydro Power Smart and FortisBC, offers homeowners a variety of incentives to help reduce ongoing energy costs. Rebates are provided for both natural gas and electric energy-efficient upgrades.

Indigenous Communities Conservation Program
Indigenous Communities can get training, free energy-saving products and rebates to implement home energy upgrades for their community. 

Non-profit and Aboriginal Housing Upgrades
In partnership with FortisBC and Pacific Northern Gas. On Electric, will work with a housing provider or community application.

BC Hydro - Builders & Developers

Commercial New Construction Program
Financial incentives to: owners of medium to large buildings to explore energy saving systems; owners of small to large buildings (including multi-unit residential buildings) for energy efficient lighting design; owners of large buildings in the early stage of the design process that have potential electricity savings with at least 50,000 kWh per year

BC Hydro - Business Customers - Commercial

Business Energy Saving Incentives
Helps B.C. businesses reduce their operating costs through the implementation of energy-efficiency projects (lighting, HVAC, refrigeration. Incentives can cover up to 25% of the project cost.

Continuous Optimization
Assistance to save energy and improve operations in large commercial buildings focussing on reducing the energy consumption of heating ventilation and air-conditioning (HVAC) systems.

Energy Manager Program
Aids organisations by subsidising the compensation package of an Energy Manager to identify energy efficiency solutions, manage the implementation of energy saving projects, and implement organisational changes.

BC Hydro - Business Customers - Commercial

Strategic Energy Management
Commercial, government or institutional organisations that spend at least $200,000 annually on electricity are eligible for implementation funding available to reduce capital expenses.

BC Hydro - Business Customers - Industrial

Energy Studies & Audits - End-Use Assessment
Experts are available to visit client sites to assess options to improve inefficiencies. Power Smart offers 100 percent funding of the assessment (some limits apply).


Energy Studies & Audits - Energy Efficiency Feasibility Study
This Program provides participants with a detailed report concerning everything needed to build a solid business case for efficiency upgrades including: assessment of options; estimated savings; implementation costs.

Energy Studies & Audits - Plant-wide Audit
An energy efficiency expert will review the consumption history of a facility, examine the facility and all of its process systems, and provide a comprehensive report that summarises the audit results and recommendations. 

Project Incentives - Distribution
Funding, to a maximum of $500,000, for energy efficiency upgrade projects, including design, equipment, installation, disposal and taxes.

Project Incentives - New Plant Design
Funding and design expertise to design an energy efficient plant or expansion from the ground up.

Project Incentives - Self-Serve Incentive Program
The Self-Serve Incentive Program online application process allows participants to apply for incentives for eligible compressed air and lighting retrofits. Incentives cover up to 75 percent of project costs.

Project Incentives - Transmission
Funding covers design, equipment, installation, disposal and taxes. The maximum incentive is calculated based on the amount of electricity that a project will save over its projected lifetime (to a maximum 10 year lifespan).

Strategic Energy Management - Energy Monitoring & Targeting
An energy manager will work with one of BC Hydro's service providers to develop targets for a facility's energy use and a proposal for a system to help it meet those targets. Approved proposals will receive up to $80,000 in funding from BC Hydro.

Strategic Energy Management - Industrial Energy Manager
Funding to hire an energy manager to develop and implement a Strategic Energy Management Plan including: up to 75 percent salary funding for 2 years; 100 percent of the cost for management coaching, training for energy managers, and more.


BC Hydro - Business Customers - Industrial

Strategic Energy Management - Regional Energy Manager
100 percent funding for a site visit from an energy consultant to analyse a business' energy consumption data and help identify and implement operational savings opportunities.

BC Hydro - Local Government & District Energy

Sustainable Communities Program
Assists local governments in meeting the challenges of energy and GHG reductions by providing a range of services, including: funding to hire an energy manager; expertise and funding to develop the Community Energy and Emissions Plan, etc.


Better Buildings BC Program
Designed to support, promote and celebrate the design and construction of net-zero energy-ready buildings. It provides incentives to builders and developers of multi-family, commercial, and institutional buildings that are designed to achieve the top tier of the BC Energy Step Code.


CleanBC Better Homes and Home Renovation Rebate Program
This Program provides rebates for improving a home's energy efficiency through select upgrades including: insulation, heat pumps …


FortisBC - Business

Air Curtain Rebates
Rebates to industrial facilities on the installation of new air curtains on doors that are frequently open.

Commercial Lighting Rebates for Non-Profit Organisations
Offers non-profit organisations rebates on commercial energy-efficient lighting products.

Commercial New Construction Performance Incentives
Incentives for larger, more complex buildings that achieve a higher whole-building energy performance than minimum levels required by the BC Building Code. 

Compressed Air Equipment Rebates
Rebates to industrial and commercial facilities on upgrading compressed air equipment.

Custom Efficiency Program
Provides several types of funding to help identify and implement cost-effective energy conservation measures that are tailored to a building. 

Direct Contact Water Heater Rebate
Rebates on direct contact water heaters to help laundry facilities, food processors, dairy operations, concrete plants, greenhouses and other industries keep up with demand for hot water and keep natural gas costs down.

FortisBC - Business

Electric Foodservice & Laundry Equipment Rebates
Rebates to industrial and commercial customers who upgrade their commercial laundry, dishwashing and cooking equipment to ENERGY STAR® models and demand-controlled ventilation for their kitchen's exhaust system.

Electric Foodservice & Laundry Equipment Rebates for Non-Profit Organisations
Rebates to co-op or Indigenous housing providers, or a non-profit or charity providing services to income-qualified people, who upgrade their commercial laundry, dishwashing and cooking equipment to ENERGY STAR® models.

Heat Pump & Electric Water Heater Rebates
Rebates to industrial and commercial customers who upgrade to high-efficiency HVAC equipment and heat pump water heaters for their commercial or multi-unit residential building.

Heat Pump & Electric Water Heater Rebates for Non-Profit Organisations
Rebates to co-op or Indigenous housing providers, or a non-profit or charity providing services to income-qualified people, who upgrade to high-efficiency electric HVAC equipment and heat pump water heaters.

Irrigation Equipment
Rebates for the conversion to a drip irrigation system, upgrading the efficiency of pumps or retrofit pump motors with variable speed drives to reduce wear and tear. Only retrofit projects of existing irrigation systems are eligible.

Natural Gas Boiler Rebates
Rebates to industrial and commercial customers who upgrade to a high-efficiency natural gas boiler.

Natural Gas Boiler Rebates for Non-Profit Organisations
Rebates to commercial natural gas customers who own or operate a registered charity that provides assistance to low-income persons, or a housing provider, who upgrade to a high-efficiency natural gas boiler.

Natural Gas Kitchen Equipment Rebates
Rebates to commercial customers who upgrade to high-efficiency natural gas appliances for their commercial kitchen.

Natural Gas Water Heater Rebates
Rebates to commercial customers who upgrade to eligible high-efficiency natural gas storage water heaters, hot water supply boilers or tankless water heaters for commercial applications.

Natural Gas Water Heater Rebates for Non-Profit Organisations
Rebates to commercial customers who own or operate a registered charity that provides assistance to low-income persons, or a housing provider, who upgrade to eligible high-efficiency natural gas options.

Pipe & Tank Insulation Rebates
Rebates to industrial customers to encourage them to install insulation on pipes and tanks for hot water and steam that are heated by natural gas.

Radiant Tube & Unit Heater Rebates
Rebates to industrial and commercial customers for installing high-efficiency natural gas unit heaters and infrared tube heaters used for space or process heating.

Refrigeration Equipment Rebates
Rebates to industrial and commercial customers who upgrade to ENERGY STAR® fridges, freezers and ice machines as well as controls for refrigerated display cases.

Refrigeration Equipment Rebates for Non-Profit Organisations
Rebates to co-op or Indigenous housing providers, or a non-profit or charity providing services to income-qualified people, who upgrade to ENERGY STAR® fridges, freezers and ice machines..

Rental Apartment Efficiency
Aids Apartment building managers and property owners in making simple changes to their building to save money, energy and water and improve tenant comfort.

Social Housing Retrofit Support Program
Housing providers and charities can access funding and support to save energy in multi-unit residential buildings. The Program includes: Energy study funding; implementation funding; rebates for energy conservation measures.


Steam Trap Audit & Replacement Rebates
Rebates to industrial customers to replace steam traps that have failed open. 

Thermal Curtain Rebates
Rebates to industrial and commercial customers who install thermal curtains in their greenhouses.

Variable Speed Drive Rebates
Rebates to industrial and commercial facilities using equipment such as HVAC, kitchen exhaust, compressors or irrigation pumps, who retrofit existing motors or fans with variable speed drives.

Variable Speed Drive Rebates for Non-Profit Organisations
Rebates to co-op or Indigenous housing providers, or a non-profit or charity providing services to income-qualified people, using equipment such as HVAC, kitchen exhaust, compressors or irrigation pumps, who retrofit existing motors or fans with variable speed drives.

Clothes Washer & Dryer Rebates
Rebates on ENERGY STAR® certified clothes washers and dryers that achieve the highest ratings for energy and water efficiency.

Door & Window Rebates
Rebates on the installation of ENERGY STAR® certified doors and windows

EnerChoice® Fireplace Program
Rebates of $300 towards the purchase of a high-efficiency EnerChoice natural gas fireplace. Eligible fireplaces must be direct-vented, temperature modulating and not have a standing pilot.

Energy Conservation Assistance Program
In partnership with BC Hydro Power Smart, provides qualified, low-income natural gas residential customers with a free home energy evaluation, free installation of energy saving products and personalised advice.

Energy Saving Kits
BC Hydro and FortisBC provide free energy saving kits for low income households. Each free energy saving kit may contain the following energy-saving products.

Heat Pump Loan
Provides homeowners assistance for the cost of upgrade to an energy-efficient ENERGY STAR certified air source heat pump. The payback period is spread over 10 years.

Heat Pump Rebate
Rebates when installing a qualifying high-efficiency central air source heat pump (including ENERGY STAR® models).

Heat Pump Service Rebate
Offers a $50 rebate to customers who have their heat pump serviced.

Heat Pump Water Heater Rebate
Rebates when replacing their electric water heater with a qualifying heat pump model which works by capturing warmth from the home's ambient air, using it to heat the domesti...

Home Renovation Bonus Rebates
Rebates to homeowners who choose two or more eligible upgrades (consult web site) to be eligible for the bonus rebate of $300. 


FortisBC - Homes

Insulation Rebates
Rebates upon the installation of batt, loose fill, board and spray foam insulation products, which meet the applicable Canadian national thermal insulation standards. Insulation must be installed by a contractor with a valid BC licence.

Natural Gas Combination Heating & Hot Water System Rebates
Rebates on converting their oil, wood or propane heating system to ENERGY STAR® heating system and water heater or combination heating and hot water system.

Natural Gas Furnace & Boiler Rebates
Rebates on converting their old natural gas furnace or boiler with an eligible ENERGY STAR® model with a two-pipe direct vent system.

Natural Gas Water Heater Rebate
Rebates of up to $1,000 when replacing their ageing water heater with a qualifying natural gas ENERGY STAR model.

New Home Construction
This Program, in collaboration with BC Hydro Power Smart, encourages customers to build energy-efficient homes (to ENERGY STAR standards). Incentives are available for the construction of new single family homes, row homes, duplexes and townhouses.

Government of British Columbia

BC Scrap-It Program
Scrap-It is a voluntary early retirement vehicle program providing incentives to help British Columbians replace higher polluting vehicles with cleaner forms of transportation. 

CleanBC Go Electric Program
Save up to $8,000 when purchasing an electric vehicle in B.C. through the CleanBC Go Electric Program and get rebates to install chargers at your home, work, condo or apartment.

Specialty-Use Vehicle Incentive (SUVI) Program
The SUVI Program provides the purchaser or lessee of an eligible vehicle an incentive depending on the vehicle type purchased. The vehicle incentive will be limited to a maximum of 35% of the vehicle MSRP.


Advanced HRV Control Program
Rebates on select advanced HRV controls.

Appliance Recycling Program
In home pick-up of old working fridges and/or freezers. Homeowners can receive a rebate for each one recycled.

Building Envelope Program
Financial incentives to improve the thermal performance of your building by upgrading roof and wall insulation, doors, windows and curtain wall systems.

Business Lighting Program
Financial incentives to help businesses cover the costs of installing energy efficient LED lighting. Products include DLC listed, ENERGY STAR certified, or Efficiency Manitoba approved, LED lamps, LED fixtures, LED backlit signs, etc.

Commercial Refrigeration Program
Offers business owners financial incentives to upgrade to qualifying energy efficient refrigeration equipment.

Custom Energy Solutions Program
Assists industrial, commercial, or agriculture facilities with identifying inefficiencies, provides technical support and performance based financial incentives for the purchase, installation and implementation of energy efficient upgrades.

Energy Efficiency Assistance Program
Free and subsidised energy efficiency upgrades for income qualifying households. Offers include: Free Home Energy Check-up, Free Insulation, Natural Gas Furnace and Boiler Upgrade, Free Energy Saving Devices.

HVAC & Controls Program
Financial incentives for variable flow pump and fan systems and other eligible equipment.

Heat Pump Program
Financial incentives to upgrade your home or business to an energy-efficient heating system (including ENERGY STAR® certified products).

Home Insulation Rebate
Rebates on qualifying home insulation upgrades to required levels.

In-suite Energy Efficiency Program
Helps property managers and owners of multi-unit residential buildings improve the energy efficiency of the suites by providing free upgrades on basic energy saving devices.

Indigenous Community Energy Efficiency Program
We offer communities the opportunity, support, and resources to hire an energy efficiency advocate to create and implement community energy efficiency plans with guidance from our energy experts.

Innovation Fund
Supports organisations who are looking to advance new and innovative energy efficiency opportunities in the Manitoba market.

Metis Energy Efficiency Offers
In partnership with the Manitoba Métis Federation, offers free and subsidised energy efficiency upgrades for income qualifying households. Offers include: free home energy check-up, free insulation,natural gas furnace and boiler upgrade, etc.

New Buildings Program
Offers technical guidance along with financial incentives for energy modelling, designing, constructing, and operating new energy-efficient buildings.

New Homes Program
Offers homeowners and builders expert energy design assistance, rebates, and labelling for energy efficient new homes. 

Pool Pump Program
Rebates on all ENERGY STAR® certified variable-speed pool pumps.

Small Business Program
This program helps small, independent businesses reduce their water and energy consumption by providing free basic energy saving devices and incentives on additional lighting products, smart thermostats, and insulation.

Strategic Energy Manager Initiative
Helps industrial participants to implement a culture of energy conservation and continuous improvement regarding their energy consumption. Support is provided for an onsite energy manager to develop and implement a strategic energy management plan


Windows and Doors Rebate
Rebates on qualifying ENERGY STAR® certified windows and doors.

Manitoba Hydro

Energy Finance Plan
A convenient on-bill financing for upgrades to gas and electrical systems. Available to Manitoba Hydro residential, small commercial, farm, and seasonal customers with approved credit. 

Home Energy Efficiency Loan
A convenient and affordable financing option for homeowners to make energy efficiency upgrades to their home. The monthly payment is added to the energy bill and no down payment is required. New Brunswick

NB Power

Commercial Buildings Retrofit Program
Provides incentives for energy audits and eligible energy-saving upgrade projects.

Community Outreach Program
Provides not-for-profit organisations with energy-savings kits and training on how to install these products. Energy efficiency kits include LED light bulbs, water-efficient showerheads, faucet aerators, weatherstripping, power bars, etc.

Electric Vehicle Rebates
Rebates for Battery Electric Vehicles, Plug-in Hybrid Vehicles and EV home charging stations You could qualify for rebates available through Plug-In NB (and the iZEV Program.

Industrial Energy Efficiency Program
Helps industrial facility managers with advice and incentives for studies, projects, and energy management information systems. By studying and implementing energy efficiency measures, facilities can better manage energy.

Low-Income Energy Savings Program
Helps homes in need of major energy efficiency upgrades, which help low-income homeowners reduce their energy use and costs. 

New Home Energy Savings Program
Offers custom recommendations on residents' building plans and access of up to $10,000 in incentives for energy efficiency improvements.

Total Home Energy Savings Program
Offers money back on efficiency upgrades on everything from insulation and air-sealing to high efficiency central heating systems to windows, doors, and more.

Newfoundland and Labrador

Newfoundland Power and Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro

TakeCHARGE Isolated Systems Efficiency Program - Residential
This program targets home and business owners in remote diesel-system communities, providing outreach, education, and energy efficient products free of charge.

takeCHARGE Commercial Product Rebates
Offers commercial businesses rebates on the purchase of programmable thermostats, occupancy sensors, LED wall packs, and high performance shower heads.

takeCHARGE Commercial Product Rebates Program
Helps commercial businesses province-wide by offering rebates for ECM motors, occupancy sensors, rooftop air source heat pumps, LED lighting (e.g. exit signs, luminaires, pole lighting, wall packs), pre-rinse spray valves, etc.

takeCHARGE Custom Program
Provides financial incentives to commercial businesses towards the cost of an energy audit, feasibility study and the implementation of energy saving upgrades in heating and cooling, refrigeration, lighting and controls, and more.

Rebates of 50% of the cost of duct insulation up to $500.

Rebates for insulation upgrades for customers with oil heated homes.

takeCHARGE Energy Efficiency Loan Program (EELP)
takeCHARGE is partnering with the Government of Newfoundland and Labrador to subsidise the financing required to purchase and install a qualified heat pump, insulation and/or home energy assessments through monthly payments on a customer's electricity.

takeCHARGE Heat Recovery Ventilator Rebate Program
Offers residents a $175 rebate to reduce the cost of upgrading to an efficient Heat Recovery Ventilator (HRV), installed by a HRAI certified installer. Unit rebated must be listed on a utility generated list of qualified ...

takeCHARGE Insulation Rebate Program
Offers residents a rebate for 75% of basement wall (min R18 to max R25) or basement ceiling (min R30 to max R35) insulation costs up to $1,000 and 50% of attic insulation (min R50 to max R55) costs up to $1,000.

takeCHARGE Isolated Systems Business Efficiency Program
This Program targets commercial customers in isolated systems, providing support and financial incentives for a wide range of energy saving projects.

takeCHARGE Thermostat Rebate Program
Offers residents rebates on the purchase of a programmable thermostat ($10.00) or electronic thermostat ($5.00).

Newfoundland and Labrador Housing

Home Energy Savings Program (HESP)
Assist households with low income who consume 15,000 kWh of electricity annually in making energy-efficient retrofits to their homes. 

North West Territories

Arctic Energy Alliance

Business Improvements Program
Rebates of up to $50,000 for business, non-profits, and community governments to conserve energy and improve its energy efficiency. Consult the website for further details.

Home Energy Evaluations Program
Free advice on existing and new homes and subsidises the cost of home energy evaluations on existing homes.

Rebates on Energy-Efficient Home Improvements
Rebates to help owners of older, less energy-efficient homes to reduce the costs and greenhouse gas emissions associated with heating their homes. 

Rebates on Energy-Efficient Products
Rebates to northerners who purchase new, more energy-efficient products that they use every day.

Rebates on Renewable Energy Products
Funding for renewable energy sources such as solar, wind, wood pellet heating, biofuel/synthetic gas and ground source heat pumps. This funding is available to communities, commercial businesses, non-profit organisations and NWT residents.


Nova Scotia

Efficiency Nova Scotia

Affordable Housing
Rebates of up to 80% on cost-effective energy saving upgrades for eligible rental properties and up to 100% for providers of rent-free housing such as shelters and transition houses.

Agriculture Program
Rebates on high quality, efficient equipment, and identifies energy saving opportunities - helping a farming business run at peak performance.

Clean Energy Financing Program
Do you want to improve the energy efficiency of your home or install clean energy options, but don’t think you can afford the work? Now you can. If you live in one of seven participating towns & municipalities, you can get cleaner energy for your home.

Commercial Buildings Rebates
Incentives, financing and expert advice to help businesses upgrade to energy efficient products. Some of the benefits of efficiency including rebates on products such as HVAC, water systems, and lighting,etc.

Efficiency Nova Scotia¿s provincial Home Energy Assessment (HEA) program
Anyone who enrols in HEA and meets Greener Homes eligibility will automatically be considered for federal rebates and has the option to apply for an interest-free loan.

Efficient Product Installation Service
Free energy efficient product upgrades. Program arranges for qualified partners to install products such as: electric hot water tanks and pipe wrap, CFLs, LED night lights, etc.

Fridge and Freezer Recycling Program
Incentive for the pickup and proper recycling of an old inefficient fridge, freezer and room air conditioner.

Heating System Rebates
Rebates to upgrade to an efficient home heating system, i.e. heat pumps, wood/pellet stoves, water heaters, and solar systems.

Home Energy Assessment Program
Support to homeowners in the form of EnerGuide evaluations, rebates, and/or low interest financing. 

HomeWarming Program
Home energy assessments and upgrades for income-qualified homeowners, at no cost.

Hospitality Program
Incentives, financing and expert advice to help a hotel or restaurant business upgrade to energy efficient products, including heating, kitchen and refrigeration equipment.

Institutions Program
Rebates to help improve the energy efficiency of local rinks, arenas, schools, and universities.

Manufacturing Program
Efficiency Nova Scotia has a range of programs, rebates and incentives that will help a manufacturing plant or business run more efficiently, including: scoping studies that are customised to a business to help find energy saving opportunities.

New Home Construction
Provides expert advice to help residents make more informed choices when building their new home and encourages them to build energy efficient ones. 

Retail Program
Rebates on energy efficiency upgrades, including: improved lighting, HVAC upgrades, heat pumps, efficient refrigeration

Small Business Rebates
Small business rebates on high quality, efficient equipment, and programs that identify energy saving opportunities.


Strategic Energy Management
Funding and support for a strategic energy management (SEM) program - to build long-term energy and cost savings in a business.

Government of Nova Scotia

Nova Scotia - Your Energy Rebate
Your Energy Rebate is a program designed to help Nova Scotians with the rising cost of home energy. For most participants, the rebate will be automatically taken off the bill by the power company and fuel distributors

Halifax Regional Municipality

Solar City Program
Offers property owners, non-profit organisations, places of worship, co-operatives, and charities in the municipality access to innovative solar energy options, which can be financed through a solar collector account.


Nunavut Housing Corporation

Home Renovation Program
Financial program and technical assistance to homeowners who wish to carry out major repairs, renovations and additions to their home.




Better Homes Kingston
Better Homes Kingston is a local improvement charge (LIC) financing program to encourage homeowners to undertake deep-energy retrofits. Homeowners who participate in the program will qualify for up to $40,000 loans at 0 per cent interest.



Better Homes Ottawa Loan Program
Ottawa pilot loan program for home energy efficiency retrofits. It aims to support local residents to reduce energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions. 



Energy Retrofit Loans
Offers eligible Toronto community-based or not-for-profit organisations a low-interest loan to support up to 100% of their energy retrofit project costs. 

High-Rise Retrofit Improvement Support Program (Hi-RIS)
Helps apartment building owners undertake building improvements that reduce energy and water consumption. 

Home Energy Loan Program (HELP)
Financing tool offered by the City of Toronto to help residents improve their home's energy efficiency and save money. HELP offers low interest loans to qualifying homeowners.

Enbridge Gas Inc.

An Affordable Housing Program
Provides affordable housing providers with up to $120,000 in available incentives. It helps offset the costs of retrofits and provides ongoing energy efficiency savings that reduce the payback time. 

Commercial Retrofit Program
Offers commercial businesses one-time incentives of $0.20 per m3 of natural gas saved, up to $100,000, on the implementation of any number of energy-saving measures. 

Fixed Incentives - Air Curtains and Dock Door Seals
Incentive to customers and contractors towards the purchase and installation of an air curtain.

Fixed Incentives - Condensing Make-up Air Units
Incentive to customers and contractors towards the purchase and installation of a condensing make-up air unit. These units provide high quality air while improving the efficiency of the heating and cooling system.

Fixed Incentives - Demand Control Kitchen Ventilation
Incentive to customers and contractors towards the purchase and installation of Demand Control Kitchen Ventilation. 

Fixed Incentives - Demand Control Ventilation
Incentive to customers and contractors towards the purchase and installation of Demand Control Ventilation. 

Fixed Incentives - Destratification Fans
Incentive to customers and contractors towards the purchase and installation of a destratification fan. 

Fixed Incentives - Heat Recovery Ventilator (HRV) and Energy Recovery Ventilator (ERV)
Incentive to customers and contractors towards the purchase and installation of a heat recovery ventilator and/or energy recovery ventilator.

Greenhouse Program
Flexible incentive structure that can be customised to meet a plant's particular needs. 

Home Efficiency Rebate
Provides homeowners with a rebate of up to $5,000 towards energy-efficient home renovations; to be eligible homeowners must complete at least 2 qualifying upgrades and heat their home with a natural gas furnace or boiler. 


Industrial Custom Engineering Program
Provides financial incentives to assist customers with costs related to energy assessment, measurement and efficiency implementation initiatives. Customers are eligible for incentives based on consumption savings up to a maximum of the gre...

Ozone Laundry
Incentive for the installation of an ozone laundry system (piece of equipment that is added on to an existing commercial washing machine) in a facility. 


Savings by Design for Commercial Builders
Supports commercial builders with expertise and performance incentives by designing sustainability into new commercial construction projects. It provides up to $60,000 in incentives including an integrated design process. This support allo...

Savings by Design for Residential Builders
Residential home builders can receive free access to green building experts and incentives to develop and build sustainable homes. This Program offers residential builders expert guidance worth up to $25,000 and energy-saving rewards of up to $100,000 ...

Smart Thermostats
Enbridge Gas customers who reside in a detached, semi-detached or row townhomes can now get an instant rebate towards a qualifying smart thermostat purchase online and at Home Depot stores province wide.

Hydro One

First Nations Conservation Program
Offers a number of First Nations communities energy-efficient upgrades for products designed to add comfort and increase efficiency at zero cost. Residents in eligible communities receive a free home energy assessment and no-charge install...

Low-income Energy Assistance Program (LEAP)
LEAP pays up to $1,000 of the amount owing on your bill (and up to $1,200 if your home is electrically heated).

Independent Electricity System Operator

Education and Capacity Building Program
Funding for projects that help build the understanding and skills needed for managing and generating energy. This includes activities such as awareness campaigns, material and course development, and education workshops. These projects help equi...

Indigenous Community Energy Plan (ICEP) Program
Proposal-based program where an Indigenous community or organisation may submit a proposal for funding to develop or update an existing Aboriginal community energy plan to improve energy efficiency, reduce electricity consumption ...

Facilities can gain access to experienced Energy Managers on a full-time basis. Energy Managers can help a facility develop an energy management strategy and identify and implement energy efficiency projects.

This Program encourages whole building energy performance improvements through incentives at a four cent per kilowatt-hour ($0.04/kWh) of savings per year for up to 3 years. This pay-for-performance model encourages participants who are able to make be...

SAVE ON ENERGY - Energy Affordability Program
Offers qualified Ontario homeowners with ways to improve the energy efficiency of their homes. It includes a detailed in-home energy assessment, professional installation of energy-saving measures (including ENERGY STAR® certified LED ligh...

SAVE ON ENERGY - Energy Industrial Energy Efficiency Program
The program supports industrial customers across Ontario in improving their industrial processes and implementing system optimization projects. The program offers organizations up to $5 million in financial incentives for each large, complex industrial...

Provides businesses with financial incentives for implementing energy-efficient measures in their facilities. Prescriptive, engineered and custom track applications are available to suit the intended retrofit project.

Provides financial incentives up to $2,000 worth in energy-efficient lighting upgrades, including a wide range of ENERGY STAR® certified LED lighting products, and up to $2,500 for non-lighting upgrades to qualifying businesses. 

Property owners, managers and building operators can access the latest tools and best practices to improve building efficiency and receive up to $1600 off training costs with the BUILDING OPERATOR CERTIFICATION INCENTIVE.

SAVE ON ENERGY- First Nations energy programs
As an on-reserve First Nations customer, learn how Save on Energy programs can help you improve energy efficiency within your community.


Energy-Efficient Housing Program
Home buyers purchasing an energy-efficient home (including R-2000 and ENERGY STAR) or refinancing an existing home to make energy-saving renovations with Genworth-insured mortgages are eligible to receive a...

The Atmospheric Fund

Grant Program
Funds high impact climate solutions to create low-carbon, equitable cities in the Greater Toronto and Hamilton Area, such as deep energy retrofits, low-carbon new construction, and electric mobility.

Prince Edward Island

Efficiency PEI

Building Envelope Upgrade Rebate
Rebates for the installation of insulation, ENERGY STAR® windows & doors and air sealing improvements. Insulation rebates are based on how much and where insulation is installed.

Business Energy Rebates Program
Offers support to businesses, non-profits and institutional organizations, as well as industrial/agricultural facilities for choosing high-efficiency products. Businesses are eligible to receive rebates for upgrading to energy efficient LE...

Community Energy Solutions
The Community Energy Solutions seeks to expand energy efficiency solutions to businesses, community centres, agricultural operations and more. These incentives help with energy efficiency advice and rebates so these organizations can be efficiency lead...

Equipment Upgrade Rebate
Rebates for the installation of ENERGY STAR® certified heating equipment, water saving devices, biomass heating devices and other energy saving products.

Home Energy Audit Program
Efficiency PEI will subsidise the cost of an EnerGuide home evaluation. In the event that homeowners choose to proceed with efficiency upgrades after the audit, efficiency PEI will further subsidise those costs by enhancing the corresponding rebates.

New Home Construction Program
This Program helps residents make their new home more energy efficient. A certified Energy Advisor will review the building plans before construction begins. Customized recommendations are provided to improve the energy efficiency of design.


Point of Sale Heat Pump Rebates
Eligible Islanders can receive an instant $1200 rebate on heat pumps from eligible contractors, with no application required.

Solar Electric Rebate Program
The solar program makes solar power more affordable than ever before by providing financial incentive for Island homeowners, farms and businesses to install solar PV panels. Solar incentives will help reduce greenhouse gas emissions by over 500 tonnes ...

Winter Warming Program
Provides free air sealing and energy efficient upgrades to qualified low to moderate-income residents.

An efficiencyPEI tradesperson completes a comprehensive air sealing (such as caulking, weather-stripping, sealing gaskets) free of char...

Government of Prince Edward Island, Department of Environment, Energy and Climate Action

Free Heat Pumps for Income Qualified Islanders
Islanders with an annual household income of $35,000 or less may be eligible for a free heat pump. To be eligible, your property must be valued at $300,000 or less (tax assessed value).

PEI Electric Vehicle Charging Funding Program (PEI EVCF Program)
The PEI government is encouraging business and community organisations across the province to install electric vehicle charging stations targeted for business and public use. The PEI Electric Vehicle Charging Fund will support up to 75% of eligible cos...

Government of Prince Edward Island, Department of Finance

Energy Efficiency Loan Program
Financing for Prince Edward Island home-owners who are approved applicants under either of Energy Efficient Equipment Rebate and Home Insulation Rebate programs.

Energy Efficiency Loan Program - Solar Photovoltaic Equipment
Provides financing to qualifying Prince Edward Island home-owners, farms and businesses that are approved applicants under efficiencyPEI’s Solar Electric Rebate Pro…



Air Exchanger with Heat Recovery Ventilator Program
Financial support to homeowners for the purchase of an air exchanger equipped with a heat recovery system (including ENERGY STAR® certified models).

Commercial Condensing Water Heater Program
Financial assistance for the purchase or rental of commercial condensing water heaters that offer 90% or more energy efficiency. Two types of such heaters qualify for financial assistance: condensing storage water heaters (with tank...

Condensing Tankless Water Heater Program
Financial support to homeowners for the purchase of a condensing tankless water heater (including ENERGY STAR® certified models).

Condensing Unit Heater
Financial assistance for the purchase of a condensing unit heater with an efficiency rating of 90% or higher, reducing the cost differential between a condensing unit and basic equipment.

ENERGY STAR® Dishwasher Program
Commercial dishwashers are among the highest energy users in a commercial kitchen. There are several categories of commercial dishwashers: low or high temperature, undercounter, stationary or conveyor. Some of the models on the market burn more energy ...

ENERGY STAR® Steam Cooker Program
This Program offers $200 in financial assistance for an ENERGY STAR® steam cooker, which provides significant energy savings thanks to its improved insulation and more effective forced convection steam distribution system. Several models are equipped w...

Eco-Efficient Pre-Rinse Sprayer Program
Pre-rinse sprayers currently used in commercial kitchens remove food residues from dishes with a powerful spray of water prior to washing in a dishwasher. Such pre-rinsing alone can represent up to one-third of the hot water used in commercial kitchens...

Feasibility Study
This Program offers financial assistance of $2,000 to cover a portion of the cost of having a feasibility study carried out to define measures that will improve the energy efficiency of an existing or new building.

Indoor/Outdoor Boiler Control Program
Offers commercial customers financial assistance for the purchase and installation of an indoor/outdoor boiler controller, which enables keeping the desired temperature inside a building and achieve substantial energy savings.

Infrared Heaters
Financial assistance to commercial and institutional customers of $100 for natural gas infrared heaters with a capacity of less than 100,000 BTU and $250 for units with a capacity equal to or greater than 100,000 BTU.

Smart Thermostat Program
Opting for a smart thermostat for your home will help you optimise your energy use throughout the day and night. Given that heating alone accounts for 64% of the average Quebec household¿s energy consumption, Gazifère is offering $100 in financial assistance...

Support for Initiatives Program
Subsidises measures involving the use of natural gas in production processes, high-efficiency equipment not covered by existing Gazifère programs and measures involving building mechanical systems. The Program provides a cash incentive of ...

Variable Speed Hood & Condensing Tempered Air Generator Combo Program
Provides commercial customers financial support for the purchase and installation of a variable speed hood and a variable speed condensing tempered air generator.

Gouvernement du Québec, Transition énergétique Québec

Chauffez vert
Financial assistance is available under this Program for the replacement of fossil-fueled systems (heating system and water heater) with energy-efficient systems that use electricity or other renewable sources of energy.

Novoclimat - Large Multi-Unit Buildings
Novoclimat is an initiative that allows Quebec builders to increase the energy efficiency of their commercial establishments by building to the Novoclimat technical standards. 

Novoclimat - Small Multiple-Unit Buildings
Offers financial assistance to duplexes, triplexes and quadruplexes as well as multiple-unit buildings of three or fewer storeys and 600 m2 and less. The dwelling must be built by a contractor who has obtained Novoclimat certification and...

Novoclimat Homes
Promotes the construction of new, high energy performance homes, according to specific construction requirements. To be eligible, the home must be built by a builder who has received training and obtained Novoclimat certification. Each hom...

This energy renovation program for owners of single family, semi-detached or row houses includes an energy audit conducted both before and after retrofit. The program also offers access to financial assistance for carrying out insulation work; carrying...

The objective of this program is to encourage the development, in Québec, of technological innovation in the areas of energy efficiency, renewable energies, bioenergies and greenhouse gas (GHG) emission reductions by offering financial assistance to pr...

This Program seeks to reduce energy use and greenhouse gas emissions of businesses by funding projects or measures linked to the improvement of processes related to the consumption and production of energy. It is available to businesses, institutions a...



Central heating with electric thermal storage
Need to replace your central heating system? Opt for central heating with electric thermal storage and receive $10,000 in financial assistance from Hydro Québec. Less well known in Québec, electric thermal storage (ETS) is a technology that has been i...

Efficient Farming Products Programs
Taking your farming business to the next level depends on the energy efficiency of your facilities. Whatever the nature of your farming activities, Hydro-Québec provides efficient, cost-effective and sustainable solutions to optimise your electricity c...

Efficient Solutions Program
Financial assistance to commercial and industrial customers to implement one of the many predefined energy efficiency measures under the Simplified Option. 


Efficient heat pump
A heat pump is an efficient electrical device that heats and cools your home. When you optimise its use, it consumes even less energy.Opt for an efficient heat pump and get financial assistance of up to $2,800.* *Some conditions apply.

Electricity Management Systems Program
Optimising your plants electricity use without buying new equipment is possible! An electricity management system (EMS) will help you determine the steps to take to manage your energy use and keep you informed about the resulting recurrent savings, in...

Energy Efficiency Retrofit Program for Low-Income Households
The objective of this program is to lower the energy bills of community housing complexes through implementation of general energy-saving measures. Rebates are offered on measures such as installation of ENERGY STAR certified windows and patio doors, i...

Innovative Projects Program
Promotes the development of high-performance energy-efficient real-estate projects. Hydro-Québec is offering real estate promoters and building contractors financial assistance to develop projects that optimize building...

Technology and Business Demonstration
Support to test the technical and commercial viability of innovative energy-saving or power-demand optimization measures. It will pay 75 percent of the total cost of an approved project, up to $500,000.


Combo System Grant
Grant of $150 for the purchase and installation of "warm air" combo systems with admissible condensing tankless water heater. The Program also offers a grant of $850 to install "warm air" combo systems with a condensing tankless w...

Condensing Boiler Grant
Financial incentives towards the purchase of energy-efficient natural gas condensing boilers that help improve a building's energy performance. Ideal for Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) projects, condensing boil...

Energy-Efficient Renovations Grant
This program is aimed at encouraging renovations that will improve the thermal envelope of buildings to make them more energy efficient. It offers financial assistance for energy efficient work on the building envelope, such as: replacing the windows, ...

Feasibility Studies Grant
This program helps defray part of the cost of a feasibility study covering energy efficiency measures. The study will be carried out by an engineering consulting firm accredited by Énergir.

Grant for a Solar Air Preheating System
Grant to encourage the purchase and installation of a solar air preheating system for space heating. By preheating the air supply to a ventilation system, significant savings can be achieved on the consumption of natural gas ...

Grant for a Unit Heater
Grant to encourage the purchase and installation of a new natural gas unit heater, the ideal solution for areas with high ceilings or frequent air exchange and perfect for warehouses, loading docks and other large areas that ...

Grant for an Infrared Heating System
Grant of up to $500 per infrared unit to encourage the installation of high-efficiency appliances. The total value of the grant is based on the selected unit's capacity.

Grant to Encourage Energy Innovation
Grant to encourage the development of new technologies or innovative use of existing technologies with promising energy efficiency potential.

High-Efficiency Water Heater Grant
Grants ranging from $750 to $20,000 towards the purchase of a condensing water heater (which reuses part of the available latent heat energy).

Hot Water Boiler Grants
This Program offers homeowners grants towards the purchase of their heating systems. 

Implementation of Energy Efficiency Measures Grant
Grant to encourage companies to implement energy efficiency measures to optimise the use of natural gas and reduce energy consumption.

Low-Income Household Supplement
Financial assistance to low-income households who are owners of a single-family home, duplex or triplex and to owners of multi-tenant buildings with three or less units, one or more occupied by low-income households an...

New Efficient Construction Grant
This Program is aimed at encouraging the construction of energy efficient buildings that will reduce their operating expenses and increase their resale value.

Recommissionning Grants
This Program aims to encourage the process of recommissioning existing mechanical systems in buildings in order to reduce annual energy consumption.

Smart Thermostat Grant
Incentive of up to $100 upon the installation of a smart thermostat.

Superior Energy-Efficiency Boiler
The superior energy-efficiency boiler is designed to improve heat exchange between combustion gases and the water being heated. This unit features fast uniform heat for heating the rooms in your house.

Supplement for Low-Income Household
Financial assistance to owners of multi-tenant buildings with four or more units, one or more occupied by low-income households. The supplement is determined according to the energy efficiency program in which the owne...

Tankless Water Heater Grant
Grant of $250 towards the purchase of a high-efficiency tankless water heater. This amount helps reduce the difference between the cost of this high-performance appliance and the cost of a standard water heater.



Commercial Boiler Program
Incentives to help offset the incremental price of  high-efficiency natural gas hydronic space-heating systems in commercial new construction and retrofits.

Commercial Space & Water Heating Rebate
Rebates for natural gas furnaces, boilers, tankless and condensing water heaters, and infrared tube heaters in commercial applications. 

SaskPower - Business Programs

Demand Response Program
Through this program, SaskPower pays its largest industrial customers to reduce or shift their electricity use. This allows them to be more responsive to peak demands so that power is there when needed. In return for shifting or reducing their power co...

Saskatchewan Environmental Society

25 Acts of Energy Conservation
25 Acts of Energy Conservation is a K - 12, province-wide action campaign that promotes energy conservation all school year, culminating in a month of daily activities between Earth Hour and Earth Day. Schools learn about and take action to conserve en...


The Home Energy Loan Program (HELP) was developed to help Saskatoon homeowners improve energy efficiency, install renewable energy, or reduce water use by offering low interest loans to cover the costs of these upgrades. Loans between $1,000 and $60,000 are available to homeowners residing in the city of Saskatoon for eligible retrofits. These loans are offered at a low interest rate and are repaid through property taxes over 5, 10, or 20 year terms. HELP is not intended for smaller changes such as switching to LED lights, or installing a low-flow shower head. Instead, it is meant for larger home upgrades. 


The Home Energy Loan Program (HELP) was developed to help Saskatoon homeowners improve energy efficiency, install renewable energy, or reduce water use by offering low interest loans to cover the costs of these upgrades. Loans between $1,000 and $60,000 are available to homeowners residing in the city of Saskatoon for eligible retrofits. These loans are offered at a low interest rate and are repaid through property taxes over 5, 10, or 20 year terms. HELP is not intended for smaller changes such as switching to LED lights, or installing a low-flow shower head. Instead, it is meant for larger home upgrades. 

Yukon Territory

Government of Yukon, Energy, Mines and Resources

Drain-water Heat-recovery System Rebate
Provides a $150 per eligible drain-water heat-recovery system.

Energy Star Window Rebate
Provides a $100 rebate per Energy Star window to a maximum of $1000 per home.

Energy efficiency upgrades for commercial, institutional, and community buildings
Promotes energy efficiency upgrades in Yukon commercial, institutional, and community buildings. Rebates are offered when building owners install 1 or more eligible standard upgrade measures, which will reduce your energy use or carbon emi...

Good Energy Program
Rebate program offered by the Yukon Government, through the Energy Solutions Centre, for energy-efficient choices, including household appliances, products, services and heating systems, retrofits or upgrades to buildings a...

Heat Pump System in a New Home Rebate
Provides a $1500 for the installation of an eligible heat pump system in a new home.

Heat-recovery Ventilator Rebate
Provides a $500 rebate for an eligible heat-recovery ventilators that has at least a 64% sensible recovery efficiency at -25.

Home Insulation Rebate

Provides rebates for insulation upgrades. A home energy assessment is also a requirement.

Rebate on your ENERGY STAR appliances Program
Rebates towards the purchase of ENERGY STAR certified washers, refrigerators, freezers, dishwashers and ventless dryers.

Renewable Energy System Rebate
Rebates of $800 per kilowatt of generating capacity to a maximum of $5,000 per system per year.

Solar domestic hot-water heating systems
0% rebate on eligible material costs up to $1200 for solar domestic hot-water heating systems.

ZeroPath rebate for new homes
Rebate for new homes rewards applicants whose new home has an annual energy consumption that is at least 50% less than the same home built to the current 2015 National Building Code standards.